Dan Pages

Software Developer and Neuroscientist

Bus Route App

Database of Chicago bus routes with a front-end visualization on Google maps.

React Maze Solver

Explore visualizations of different types of search algorithms. Built in React.


Galacta is a web game built using pure JavaScript. It is a solo project by Dan Pages.


Graphlite is a full-stack data visualization Web App built using Ruby on Rails with a PostgreSQL database and RESTful routes. The front-end is built using react.js and redux.js with a flux archetecture. It is a solo project by Dan Pages.


A machine learning program that uses an evolutionary algorithm to train agents to solve a simple triangulation and navigation problem. Written in Unity and C#. Solo project by Dan Pages.


Users can create a surround-sound experience using only mobile phones. The app uses rails and websockets (through ActionCable) to synchronize the phones and have each play a different channel of a sound file. Two-person project by Nick Bacon and Dan Pages.

Fun Facts

I have been writing code to solve problems on the job for over seven years, including four years of my neuroscience PhD work.

Neurophysiological data analyst

Professional experience working in MATLAB to solve complex problems with large neurophysiological and psychophysical data sets.

Game modding

I ran a successful persistent online interactive world with hundreds of active users and dozens of concurrent users interacting with each other in real time from 2012-2014.

Fast learner

I'm quick to pick up new technologies and frameworks and always love working with new technologies.

Bug fixer

From diagnosing dead bits in a stimulus board to solving a gain nonlinearity in phase detection hardward to tracking down the source of a memory leak in a game mod, I have time and again proved himself as an effective and methodical bug-hunter.

Technical communicator

I has given conference presentations at prestigious neuroscience conferences and published papers demonstrating new neuroscience discoveries.

Data geek

I love data visualization and I'm familiar with descriptive statistics, logistic models, Markhov models, algorithms and data structures, etc.

Get in touch

I'd love to chat about development!